Grow Your Email List Automation

All pre-made automations in InSend are aimed at different goals and can overlap. Run the ones that meet your goals. This will allow you to achieve maximum results.

What can this automation do?

This automation helps collect email addresses of your potential customers from your site, offering a discount on their first order. This is one of the most effective techniques for capturing leads and starting to build long-term relationships with clients. We recommend running this automation first. The larger your email database, the better other automations and strategies will work. The collected addresses will help bring customers back to the site with trigger emails and one-time emails.

Important! The pre-made web forms and email settings cannot be changed as they are part of the automation. This can lead to a violation of the logic of the automation.

If you want to change an element's settings, copy it and make changes in the duplicate.

The automation consists of 4 different web forms and 5 emails. Below we will explain what you need to run and how to get the best result.

Webform “10% Off For the First Order”

On the first or second visit to the site, the visitor will see the "10% Off For the First Order" web form. The display filter is set to those not subscribed to emails and who do not currently have items in their shopping cart. The web form pops up on all site pages 90 seconds after entering the site.

For subscribing the client receives a discount on the first purchase. The pop up looks like this on the web site.

Email #1 after popup "10% Off For the First Order

After filling out the form, the first email will be sent with the promotional code. The email is sent automatically, immediately upon the occurrence of an event.

Emphasize the promo code in the text so that it can be immediately found and easy to remember or copy.

Be sure to put your company logo and links to the most popular sections of the site in the header of the email. You can also add links to social networks in the footer or delete this section.

Email #2 after popup "10% Off For the First Order

Not all customers who received a promo code will make an impulsive order. In this case, the automation has an email with a reminder of a discount on the first purchase. The email will be sent 2 days after filling out the web forms to those who did not place an order.

Indicate the validity period of the discount, and tell about popular products on your site. Edit the content as you wish.

Important! This is the minimum required to start collecting contacts. We recommend running entire automation to achieve the best results. But you can choose which elements to launch.

Additional "Grow Your Mailing List" Automation Elements

Collect contacts of people with goods in the cart

This automation is also aimed at people in the 1-2nd visit, but at those who added products to cart. The highest percentage of abandoned carts is usually observed among those who have not made an order before. Therefore, it is important at this stage not to let the person leave with nothing. So, we will offer him to save the cart so that he can return to it later.

Web form "Need time to decide? Save your cart for later"

During the 1st or 2nd visit to the site, if the visitor put the product in the cart and his email is unknown (either he did not fill out the web form with a discount offer, or it did not appear), then if he stays on any page for 20 seconds, he will see a web form that offers to save the cart so that the person can think about the purchase.

After filling out the web form, your customer will receive an email with the products at his cart.

Email after "Need time to decide? Save your cart for later" popup

An email with products in the cart comes immediately after the web form is filled, and then the "Recover Abandoned Carts" automation can be connected, which will help push the client to purchase if he did not return immediately.

If you do not want to offer a discount or some kind of bonus to new visitors (as in the first automation), then 2nd additional automation with a different offer, but with similar work, will help you.

Web form "Subscribe to a list of our monthly bestsellers"

This web form is a notification that does not overlap the screen and appears in the lower-left corner of the screen. It offers to get a list of the most popular products of the month.

The webform is shown to those who visited the site for the 1st or 2nd time, did not leave an email before, and have no items in the cart. You can put the web form on all pages of the site or on specific ones (for example, in the section on popular products or in the blog). It will appear after 10 seconds of being on the page.

Email after "Subscribe to a list of our monthly bestsellers" notification

After filling out the web form, the visitor will receive an email with a selection of your best products of the month. If you have been with InSend for a long time, you can enable automatic collections of popular products by contacting your manager. If you have been using InSend for less than 3 months, then the products will have to be manually inserted and changed periodically.

Important! All information about the products on your site is passed to InSend from the product feed. Make sure the feed is added to your account and works correctly.

The “Grow Your Mailing List” automation motivates visitors to make their first purchase with a discount and helps to grow the base. And the collected addresses will help bring customers back to the site with trigger and one-time emails.

We recommend launching the “Recover Abandoned Carts” automation next. It will allow you to convert up to 20% of abandoned carts into orders. Use reminders, and discounts, and also create a sense of urgency in order not to lose a client at the finish line.

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