Transactional Email Automation
All pre-made automations in inSend are aimed at different goals and can overlap. Run the ones that meet your goals. This will allow you to achieve maximum results.
Important! The pre-made web forms and email settings cannot be changed as they are part of the automation. This can lead to a violation of the logic of the automation.
If you want to change an element's settings, copy it and make changes in the duplicate.
The Transactional Emails automation consists of 4 auto-emails divided by order statuses. Make sure that your order statuses set up properly before the launch.
Email "Thanks for the order (Status: New)"
This email is sent right after person have placed an order if it haven't been payed yet. It includes order block and block with recommendations, where you need to set up the products that are the most popular or can be additional to other products on your website. The "You may also like" block is not automatic, but you can copy this email and add popular products block.
Email "We received your payment (Status: Paid)"
This email is sent right after person have paid the order. It includes order block and block with recommendations, where you need to set up the products that are the most popular or can be additional to other products on your website. The "You may also like" block is not automatic, but you can copy this email and add popular products block.
Email "Your order is shipped (Status: Shipped)"
This email is sent right after the order have been shipped and this status needs to be transferred from your CMS system. If you don't have such status, just don't set up this email. It includes order block and contacts, but you can adjust the important information about order or where to check the shipment status or any other info (like tracking code) by using custom properties.
Email "Order has been canceled (Status: Canceled)"
This email is sent right after the order status have changed to canceled in your CMS system. It means that order can be both canceled by customer or by manager due to any circumstances. in this email you notify customer about cancelation and ask for a feedback and his level of satisfaction with your service.
Please note that InSend doesn't provide any system for NPS surveys and you need to place links under the images and button to your own NPS system.