Manual installation

To properly build a sales funnel and analytically display visitors' actions, InSend uses the "View Goods", "Fill Cart" and "Buy" events.

If your store runs on a CMS that integrates with InSend, the events will be set up automatically when the plugin is installed. For stores running on other CMSs, you can set up the events manually. You can find the setup instructions in your InSend account. To do this, go to "My Account" > "Settings" and select "Other CMS".

There you will see instructions to manually configure each event.

Main code

Parameter: visitor_info (it makes sense to specify, if you have something to add, some data that would be interesting to use in InSend for marketing purposes).

If you have all the user data, you must specify it in the following format:

InSendSettings = {visitor_uid: ‘123’, visitor_info: {email: ‘’}}If the user is unknown, specify the following:window.InSendSettings = {visitor_info: {},app_key: «xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx»};

Product viewing event

To view the products and categories that visitors are interested in, InSend uses the “View product” event.

Copy the code from the “Set up product viewing events” field and set it to the source code of the product pages of the site, after InSend’s code.

Replace the following variables with your values:

  • PRODUCT_ID – the ID of the currently viewed product
  • PRODUCT_NAME – the product name (optional)
  • PRODUCT_URL – the main (canonical) URL of the product page (optional)

Important! To see the full analytics for the viewed products and product categories, you will need to specify a link to the XML file with the products.

After that, in the “Contacts” section, you can view analytics on frequently viewed and purchased product categories.

And in the visitor card in the timeline you can see which products were viewed.

Cart update event

The Shopping Cart Update event is triggered when a visitor adds an item to their shopping cart. After receiving this information, InSend displays which of the visitors created the shopping cart, how many items are in it and for how much. If the visitor leaves the website without buying anything, you can send him an automatic email about the abandoned cart and ask him to return to it.

To submit the cart update events, copy the code from the "Configure event of filling the cart" and install it. The cart update code should be installed on the appropriate buttons of your website (Buy, Add to cart, +, etc.).

Replace the following variables with your values:

  • PRODUCT_ID – the product ID in the cart
  • PRODUCT_QNT – the number of items in the cart
  • PRODUCT_PRICE – the cost of 1 item in the cart

Important! Make sure that you pass the complete cart in the “items” array each time!

Purchase event

The purchase event is transmitted when the order is completed. This event is used to build the final stage of the sales funnel.

In addition, InSend is able to generate a report of frequently purchased goods, count the average check, and segment customers by the number of orders and amount of money spent, as well as send automated mailings on the "purchase made " event. To submit a purchase event, copy the code from the "Purchase event setup" field and install it on the "Thank you for your order" page or on a similar order confirmation page in your store.

Replace the following variables in your code with your values:

  • ORDER_ID – unique order ID (ID or number)
  • ORDER_TOTAL – the amount of goods in the order, including discounts (but without delivery)
  • PRODUCT_ID – ID of the purchased item
  • PRODUCT_QNT – number of units of purchased goods

PRODUCT_PRICE – the cost of 1 unit of purchased goods. When the installation is complete, be sure to click “Save”. Ready!

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