How to calculate income from InSend?

InSend creates hundreds of automatic effects on your visitors every day: it shows them web forms, sends them emails, etc. Effects that InSend believes led to a purchase are called "effective effects". All purchases made due to effective effects are taken into account when calculating revenue. The amount of revenue is displayed at the bottom of the main screen of the service:

An "effective impact" is an impact that led to an event (or chain of events) of a certain type that caused the visitor to make a purchase within a limited period of time after the event occurred. If these conditions are met, InSend assumes that the Impact was "effective," meaning that it directly or indirectly influenced the visitor's decision to purchase.

Currently, InSend supports the following types of effective impulses:

  1. Conversation with visitor in online chat - message from visitor - purchase is made within 2 hours from the time of the event.
  2. Emails (one-time or trigger) - recipient opens the email - purchase is made within 48 hours from the time of the event.
  3. Emails (one-time or trigger) - recipient clicks on a link in the email - purchase is made within 48 hours from the time of the event.
  4. Web form - the visitor interacts* with the web form - the purchase is made within 1 hour from the time of the event.

    *Clicks either on the button or a link in the widget

InSend believes that it helped you get income when:

  • One of the above events has occurred.
  • The visitor in question made a purchase within the specified time interval.

For example:

  • The visitor was sent the webform “My webform” and made a purchase within 1 hour.

The impact of showing the visitor “My webform” is considered effective.

The revenue that resulted from this impact is equal to the amount of the visitor’s order.

  • The visitor opened your email “My newsletter” and navigated from it to your site. They left the site without buying anything. However, within 48 hours they came back to the site (from any source) and made a purchase.

The impact of sending “My newsletter” is considered effective.

The revenue that resulted is equal to the amount of the visitor’s order.

If the density of blows is high, it is possible that several blows that resulted in an order are all recognized as "effective". InSend takes this into account and "only reports the amount for one-time purchases made as a result of effective impacts in the "Revenue from InSend" metric.

The number of purchases you see in the analysis of mailings and widgets is also based on the concept of effective effects and is calculated according to the system described above.


A visitor may receive an email, click on it, receive a web form, talk to a consultant in chat, and then make a purchase. All three impacts are identified as "effective": the email and the web form. The analyzes of all three impacts show information about that purchase. However, when calculating the total InSend revenue, the purchase is recorded only once.

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