Comparisons of visits and bounce rates in InSend and Google Analytics

Our clients often pay attention to the difference between charts in InSend and charts in Google Analytics (GA).

In the case of the number of visits, this is due to the fact that GA shows unique visitors, while InSend first looks at the total number of sessions and only then assigns them to specific visitors. This is explained by the fact that visitors to online stores often don't make a purchase on their first visit - to make a purchase decision, a person often needs several visits to the website.

The difference is even clearer when it comes to failures: GA considers leaving the website after viewing a page as a "failure". InSend considers leaving the site without looking at the products or services as a "miss". Since our service is designed for online stores, our sales funnel (in Analytics) shows only relevant target actions - "visit", "view product", "add product to cart" and "purchase". Viewing the product is a prerequisite for moving to the second stage.

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