Order status

The order status is a string characteristic of a particular order. It is passed in the events "purchase" (purchase) and "change of order status" (order_update).

See examples of the "purchase" and "order_update" events.

The characteristic can take any value. It is configured in the InSend account and has preset values:

  • new - new order (if the status is not specified at purchase, the default value is new)
  • paid - the order has been paid
  • shipped - the order has been shipped
  • canceled - the order has been canceled (this excludes the order from the statistics until a status other than canceled is sent)

Important! The status change event must be sent to InSend with the same user UID with which the order was created, otherwise it will be ignored.

A status change with a non-existent order_id will be ignored.

During the status change, the order parameters and the user data can be transferred, but this is not mandatory.

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