What are properties and how to create & use it?

There are often cases when you need additional information about your visitors or, conversely, want to transfer some data from your CMS. InSend has "Properties" for this purpose.

Once you install the code, InSend will start receiving data about visitor behavior on your website. When a visitor performs an action that involves transferring data to your website, this information is transferred to InSend. By default, InSend collects the following data:

  • Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth

This information can then be used for mailings or visitor segmentation.

To collect additional data on the website or download it from the CMS, you need to create a field where this data should fall. To do this, go to "Settings" > "Properties".

Here you can see all fields of InSend and create a new field.

The name will be displayed in the InSend interface (in the segment designer, in the newsletter terms, in the contact card).

The key is used in scripts to transfer or collect data.

Important note! The key must consist only of letters of the Latin alphabet and an underscore. Use the preset field keys as an example for naming keys.

When you create your own visitor property, it is also important to specify the type correctly. The following property types are supported:

String - any string

Boolean - boolean value (true/false)

Numeric - number

Date - date in the format ISO -8601: "YYYY-MM-DD"

Datetime - date and time in format ISO -8601: "YYYY-MM-DDT hh: mm: ss ± hh"

Correctly specified property types are very important and affect the performance of the filter when segmenting visitors.

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