How to set the probability of winning in the Wheel of Fortune sign up form?

By default, the probability of winning in the Wheel of Fortune web forms is 1:2. Below we will show you how to make sure that the probability of winning is 100%.

Open the form, go to the Content section (if the web form is running, you need to stop it first) and click the Spin The Wheel button.

We find the line responsible for the victory. The location of the line varies, but is always approximately in the region of 160 lines.

Replacing the line

var currentPoint = Math.floor(Math.random() * (points));


var probabilityOfWinning = 100; var currentPoint = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) <= probabilityOfWinning ? 0 : 1

Done, you can run the web form.

This is the value that currentPoint should have so that the probability of winning is 10%. Paste the code below instead of the one already written.

var probabilityOfWinning = 10; 10% var currentPoint = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) <= probabilityOfWinning ? 0 : 1

If you do not believe in your abilities, but still want to change the probability of winning, please write to us at

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