How do web form A/B tests work?

What is an A/B test webform?

The A/B test webform is the most common webform, except that it has multiple options. You can add new options or disable old ones. InSend divides your audience into equal parts and shows visitors different versions of the web form. A visitor is always shown only one option, no matter how many times he sees it.

You can view the evaluations for all web froms options and decide at any time which ones to keep and which ones to disable.

Creating and editing a web forms variant

To add a variant to a regular web forms, go to it and click on the "Start A/B Test" button.

You will immediately see a tab with the current version and you can create as many additional versions as you want:

Switch between tabs and edit the widget options content as you like. Here you can change everything - webform size, elements, images, colors, text...

Additional options can be deleted, option names can be changed - click the arrow on the tab.

Set rules for the display of webform

You can test not only the appearance of the web form, but also the conditions for its display. Go to the "Settings" step and you will see the already familiar blue tabs with settings. Here you can set for each option: a delay before displaying, restrictions on scrolling, whether to handle leaving the page and a delay before closing.

The settings outside the blue block are the same for all variants.

Running Web form Variants

You can launch the variant under the "Settings" step. Select it (the "Variant" tab should turn blue) and click the green "Run Variant" button at the bottom. You will be immediately redirected to the "Analytics" step, where you can see statistics about your running variant and activate or deactivate any widget variant instantly.

Analytics of web forms variant

The Analytics page displays aggregated statistics for all web form variants. Here you can compare the options based on clicks, conversions, purchases or revenue. The highest conversion is highlighted in green, the lowest in red.

You can also enable and disable options here.

To view the detailed analyzes for each variant, click on the variant name in the table - you will be redirected to the variant's analysis page.

Here you can see every visitor who has seen the webform, clicked the button or purchased it.

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