How do email A/B tests work?

An A/B test email is a regular one-time or auto-email, but with the ability to send multiple variants. InSend itself randomly distributes traffic equally and shows visitors different options. You can view the analytics for all email variants and decide at any time which to keep and which to turn off.

Create and edit variants

To add a variants to an email, go to the Template section and click the "Start A/B Test" button.

You will have a tab with the current variant and the ability to add new ones:

You can switch between different variants and edit the content as you like. Here you can change everything, just like in the usual email editor.

First, on the Settings tab, you set a filter or select a subscribers segment:

In the When section, you can set the time or set up sending immediately when you click the Start button:

In the From section, you can set up different signatures and email subjects for different variants. In the same step you can start sending.

At start, emails are sent to 20% of the subscribers, randomly distributed among the variants.

A few hours after the launch, you can compare aggregated statistics for all email variants on the Analytics tab: the number of clicks, conversion, number of purchases or revenue. The highest conversion is highlighted in green, the lowest in red.

Then, on the same tab, you can delete the less popular option and send the best variants to the remaining subscribers.

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