Collect Reviews After the First Purchase Automation

All pre-made automations in InSend are aimed at different goals and can overlap. Run the ones that meet your goals. This will allow you to achieve maximum results.

The Collect Reviews After the First Purchase automation will help you get feedback from the client and motivate him for the next purchase.

Important! The pre-made web forms and email settings cannot be changed as they are part of the automation. This can lead to a violation of the logic of the automation.

If you want to change an element's settings, copy it and make changes in the duplicate.

The automation consists of 4 scheduled emails and 1 web form. Below we will tell you in what sequence and to achieve what goals they need to be launched.

Leave a feedback (20 days after 1st purchase)

This email consist of CTA to leave a review and details about the last order. This email is sent 20 days after the first successful order.

Leave a feedback (25 days after 1st purchase)

Second email is the same as previous one and is sent if the person haven't clicked on the link in the first email. So that he's probably haven't left the review. Second email will remind him to do it.

Thanks for the feedback!

This emails is sent if one of the previous emails were clicked. So that InSend can predict that this person have left the review. But the best option is to set up special event for leaving the review, then duplicate this email and set it up as trigger email for this event. How to create custom event you can read here.

In this email we thank customer for review and suggest him promo code for the next purchase.

Reminder about discount after review

The last email reminds about the discount for the next order if person haven't placed another order in 7 days after receiving promo code. The design of email is the same as the previous one.

Rate your last order topper

This topper displays to those who's made an order from 20 to 40 days ago after 20 seconds on the website.


It's great automation to raise loyalty in new customers and show them that you care and want to develop. The discount will increase the chance for repeated order. But mind that InSend doesn't provide any NPS service and you need to collect reviews somewhere else (the best option is on website itselt)

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