Increase Brand Loyalty Automation

All pre-made automations in InSend are aimed at different goals and can overlap. Run the ones that meet your goals. This will allow you to achieve maximum results.

The Increase Brand Loyalty automation will help build brand loyalty and keep customers coming back for regular sales.

Important! The pre-made web forms and email settings cannot be changed as they are part of the automation. This can lead to a violation of the logic of the automation.

If you want to change an element's settings, copy it and make changes in the duplicate.

The automation consists of 3 scheduled emails and 3 web forms. Below we will tell you in what sequence and to achieve what goals they need to be launched.

"Tell us when your birthday is" pop-up form

This pop-up form asks your customers to leave their birthday date and displays is email is known, birthday is unknown, person has more than 1 order and spent more than 40 seconds on web site. It shows only once per day.

Email "7 days before Birthday"

This email is sent to those whose birthday is known 7 days before their birthday. In this email we suggest the special promo code that's valid for the next 7 days and top products.

Email "1 day before Birthday"

This email is sent 1 day before person's birthday if he haven't made an order in the last 6 days. Here we remind the customer about the discount.

Email "Today is your Birthday"

The last email in the automation sends to everyone on their birthday date. It consist of discount, congratulations and best products.

Other elements of automation

Your current discount is N% notification

This web form displays to those who've made an order before, birthday date is known and email is known. This notification is good to remind customers about their current discount if you have any loyal program or bonus program. Web form appears in the right upper corner of the website.

"We're happy to see your again" topper

This topper welcome's known customers on the website. The design can be changed to motivate people check the best deals or new arrivals or just welcome them 😉


This automation helps to build trust and warm relationship with customers. Show them that you know and care about them personally.

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