FAQ about Emails

There are more people in the segment than when you select the segment in subscribers. Why?

What can cause a different number of people in the segment when sending a mailing list:

  • If double opt-in settings in your account do not allow you to send marketing emails to those who are not subscribed to your emails. In this case, InSend will send emails only to those visitors from the segment who’ve confirmed subscription.
  • Some of your visitors from the segment are blacklisted and InSend will not send them an email
  • Your segment may not have the Email is known condition. Then even those visitors who do not have an email will get into the segment, and when trying to send an email, InSend will show the number of those who have a known email.

How can I see who opened or clicked an email?

You can view analytics for any email in InSend.

Go to the Bulk email section and select the email you are interested in. Click on it and go to the Analytics step.

Here you can see all the data about the email. At the top, in the rectangles, you can see the conversion to a purchase, the number of orders, the amount of purchases, as well as the number and percentage of unsubscribers, and also who opened and clicked email.

You can do the same in Audience section by creating new segment and choosing in conditions needed email and setting the filter to opened or clicked.

Many subscribers went to bounce. Why?

A large number of errors in the Bounced group is a reason to think about how you collect your email base and how you validate recipient addresses.

Most likely, you do not check the reality of the entered address in any way and immediately use it in your emails. A common practice is to send a confirmation email after entering an address. For example, when signing up on the site, the user must activate his account by clicking on the link from such a confirmation letter. Thus, we get a guarantee that the email is real, written without errors and belongs to this user.

How to increase the size of the product card?

Unfortunately, you cannot change the size of the product card when editing the email template in editor. But you can make any size and design of the card if you create your own html email.

I don't see the block with recommendations. How to add it?

To activate this block in emails, you need to contact InSend support via email hello@insend.io. If there is enough data in the account, the manager will activate the block of product recommendations and it will be available for use in emails and webforms.

How to change the color of the email?

If you want to change the color of the email template (pre-made or new), go to the template tab and select one of the 11 colors in the upper left corner.

The test email ends up in spam. Why?

A test email can end up in spam for a number of reasons:

  • if you didn’t write the name or address of the sender and the subject of the letter
  • if you are using a non-existent address as a sender
  • if you have incorrect spf and dkim settings on your business account
  • if your email contains stop words or the sender's rating is low

Most often, the reason is the first or second point. If they are completed, and the email still ends up in spam, we recommend checking it through the mailtester.com

Products are not displayed when sending a test email.

If you are testing sending a trigger email, for example, with an abandoned cart, then it is normal that you don’t see products. Products in the email are pulled based on the trigger event (an abandoned cart) and since it did not happen for you, there will be stubs in the product cards.

If you want to make sure that the email is displayed well, you can add your email address in the filter (so that the email is sent only to you), and trigger an event on the site. For example, add products to the cart, leave the site and wait for a while without returning there. Then you will receive a regular email with products.

When you click on a link in the html email, it opens in the same tab. How to fix?

Most likely you did not write opening in another page in the code. To do this, add to your code target=blank, so that the link code would look like this: <a href=”https://youwebsite.com” target=blank> Link itself </a>

How does A/B test works?

An A/B test of email is a regular one-time or auto-mailing, but with the ability to send several variants. InSend itself distributes traffic randomly in equal shares and shows visitors different options. You can view analytics for all email variants and decide which one to keep and which one to turn off at any time.

To add an option to a regular email, go to the Template section and click on the "Start A/B Test" button.

You can switch between different options and edit the content to your liking. Here you can change everything, just like in the standard email editor.

In the From section, you can set up different signatures and email subject lines for different options.

At launch, emails will be sent to 20% of subscribers who are randomly distributed among the options.

A few hours after the launch, in the Analytics tab, you can compare aggregated statistics for all email options: the number of clicks, conversion, number of purchases or revenue. The highest conversion is highlighted in green, the lowest in red.

How to set up an email for uploaded contacts from file?

To send an email to a pre-made list of contacts, go to the email in the subscribers section. In the first paragraph, select Import subscribers and upload your file in csv format. Wait for the file to load. After that, the number of contacts in your list will be displayed and you can start sending the email.

How to use pre-made html templates?

To use our beautiful HTML templates, you need basic knowledge of html code. You can use the master template and create your own unique letter or use pre-made themed templates. The main thing you will need to do is to replace logos, pictures and text for your company.

Can I add discount price in email?

You can add a discount to the html email. But unfortunately, you cannot automatically display the discount price for products in email template made in InSend. But you can add the discount price to the promo emails (manually).

Why is a known name not automatically substituted in the email?

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