How to update preheader in email?

By default, the first text that appears in the letter is added to the preheader of letters that are collected in the InSend constructor. That is, if you have a logo and a menu at the beginning of the letter, then this text will be displayed in the preheader and this is not very good.

But you can add an invisible block to the email and write the preheader there.

How to do it?

  1. Add a text block to the top of the email
  2. Open the block code editor by clicking on the </> icon

    Add code there:

<p class=""><span style="display:none !important;font-size:0px;line-height:0;color:#ffffff;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;height:0;width:0;mso-hide:all">Your preheader is here</span></p>

  1. Write the text you want to be visible in the preheader
  2. Test the email by sending it to yourself via test email
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