How to view email analytics?

You can view analytics for any triggered or one-time emails launched in InSend:

  1. Go to the Emails section
  2. Select the email you are interested in
  3. Click on it and go to the Analytics step

Here you can see all the data about the email.

What data can be seen in analytics?

Firstly, in the upper right corner, you can set a specific date or period for which you want to see the analytics. This is especially useful for viewing analytics for triggered emails that can go on for months.

Above in the rectangles you can see:

  • conversion to purchase
  • the number of orders
  • amount of purchases
  • number and percentage of unsubscribers

On the left of the funnel:

  • number of emails sent
  • how many delivered
  • how many opened
  • how many links were clicked

Above and to the left of the funnel are the number of complaints, Bounced hits, and spam reports.

By clicking on any number in the funnel, and on the Clicks and Unsubscribes links, you will see a list of subscribers on the right side of the screen corresponding to this number. If you click on Opened, then all the people who opened the email will be displayed on the right.

You can click on each visitor in this list and go to his contact card.

The list of recipients can be downloaded as a CSV by clicking on the gray icon above it.

Domain and links report

You can see statistics on open rates, clicks and unsubscribes for different domains, as well as on which links in emails your recipients click on the most. These reports are hidden under the switch on the right above the table with subscribers.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to view aggregated data for several launched emails in this format. You can only see analytics for each individual campaign.

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