How to clean email database?

In order for the reputation of email to be high and the account not to be blocked for spam, it is important to validate the database before uploading. While uploading you email base to InSend, check the Email column for common mistakes:

  • Errors and typos in addresses of known mail servers:

gmail,com => =>, etc.

  • Use the service for validating email databases.

To clean up email addresses of users with invalid mail, you can do the following:

  • Unload all addresses with errors from InSend
  • In the received file, carefully review the Email column and try to eliminate common errors
  • Remove all users with invalid addresses from the database
  • Monitor and clean out addresses in time from the database that are spam or hard bounced (non-existent or erroneous addresses)
  • Transfer blacklists of unsubscribed customers when moving from one email marketing system to another to reduce the percentage of emails going to spam, increase open rates and increase mailing efficiency

Merging users

If the contacts already exist in the system, the data on them will be merged automatically, preserving the history of interaction with the site and any InSend elements (webforms of emails). This allows you not to duplicate subscribers and always keep up-to-date email addresses.

Important! If one contact information is specified in InSend and another in the file, it will be replaced by the latest one. For example, in InSend the date of birth is 1990/02/01, and in the file 1990/03/01. After downloading the file, the date of birth will be updated to the one specified in the file - 1990/03/01. An empty field will not change the data.

After importing the file, you will see the number of downloaded contacts. If the number is less than there were contacts in the file, the missing users were already in the system and the data was overwritten.

If you've uploaded the wrong file or incorrect data was specified in it, just repeat the import, but with the changes. InSend will update the contact fields.


It is not possible to delete contacts uploaded to the system. If, nevertheless, such a need arose, import the addresses into the blacklist. Such users will automatically stop receiving emails and will not be counted in analytics.

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