How to Remove Fields in the Wheel of Fortune Web Form?
If you're looking to run a promotion without requiring an email, you might wonder how to eliminate the email input field in the wheel of fortune web form. While the entire web form is coded, don't worry! Removing fields is a straightforward process:
- Access the wheel of fortune web form, and on the right side, you'll find the code for the form.
Locate the code on line 139 (or a similar line number based on your screen) and delete it.
- Just below, on line 145, find the next code and delete it.
<div class="cnv-f__row">
<label class="cnv-widget_label" for="properties_agree_policy" style="font-size: 12px;">
<span class="cnv-widget_label-checkbox cnv-widget_checkbox_type_agree">
<span class="cnv-widget_checkbox-input"><input name="properties[agree_policy]" type="hidden" value="false">
<input class="insend_required" name="properties[agree_policy]" type="checkbox" value="true" id="properties_agree_policy" /></span>
<span class="cnv-widget_checkbox-text"><p>I agree with the site's privacy policy
By following these steps, you'll successfully remove the email input field from the wheel of fortune web form.