How to set up multiple prize options in the wheel of fortune?

If you want to have a real giveaway and give people different gifts (or different levels of discount) in exchange for a subscription, you can make changes to the wheel of fortune web form.

  1. Create a new web form and select the wheel of fortune design.
  2. Navigate to the content tab and locate the code box on the right side.
  3. Scroll down to line 193 in the code box.
  4. You'll see the following code:

if (isWin) {

InsendClient.Helpers.add_class(elLose, classHidden);

InsendClient.WidgetTracker.submit_value = 'roulette_win';


Replace it to be:

if (isWin) {

var elPrizes = document.getElementsByClassName('cnv-prize');

var winIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * elPrizes.length);

var prize = elPrizes[winIndex] = 'block';

InsendClient.Helpers.add_class(elLose, classHidden);

InsendClient.WidgetTracker.submit_value = 'roulette_win_'+winIndex;


  1. Then go to the setting of the web form and scroll down to "Display a message after the form is submitted" block
  2. There you'll see 2 default options:

    "Congratulations! It's your day.

    Check your mailbox, promocode should be there already."


    "Don't be upset.

    Today is not your lucky day."

  3. You need to write other options for your prizes.
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