How to segment and manage subscribers?

Segments refer to distinct groupings of contacts that are established based on specific criteria, differing from conventional subscriber lists. While subscriber lists remain static, with individuals added to and remaining within them, segments are dynamic in nature. This dynamism implies that segments expand as individuals meet the defined conditions and contract when they no longer fulfill the criteria. Additionally, segments undergo real-time updates.

Highly segmented campaigns return more than 3X the revenue per recipient as unsegmented campaigns. Some examples of how you can use segments to identify different audiences include:

  • Tracking customers who make a new product purchase, observing the segment's growth following the product launch.
  • Identifying inactive subscribers who have been on the mailing list for at least six months without ever opening or engaging with an email.
  • Recognizing customers with a high predicted customer lifetime value (CLV), indicating their potential to become future VIPs.

When constructing a segment with specific conditions, it draws from all the contacts within your account. Consequently, segments may not necessarily have opt-in criteria for individuals to be included. This aspect is vital to consider when planning to send emails to a particular segment.

How to create a segment

  1. Go to Audience tab in your account
  2. Click Add segment in the in the lower left corner
  3. Write the Segment name at the top of the opened window
  4. Use the segment builder to add conditions and specify who should be included in your segment
  5. Once you are satisfied with the definition you create, click Save

We will dive deeper into segment conditions in the next section.

Depending on the size of your segment, it may take a while to be created.

Segment conditions

First of all you will notice that there're 2 types of conditions in InSend:

  • Visitors who match all these conditions (= AND conditions)
  • Visitors who match at least one of these conditions (= OR conditions)

They can be used in one segments, for example, you want segment that consists of subscribers who made a purchase (set up by AND conditions) but only from 2 cities (and you'll use OR condition to identify the cities).

When building a segment, you can use the following conditions:

  • Characteristics (properties) of clients

    Here, you can choose to segment based on properties of customers in your account — custom properties can be assigned via an integration, or you can add properties to profiles manually.

    You can choose if property:

    - is equal to (some definition)

    - is not equal to (some definition)

    - has any value (this means that property if filled in client's profile)

    - is unknown (this means that property is not filled in client's profile)

    - includes (some definition, for example, all emails that include

    - does not include (some definition)

  • Interaction with specific web form

    You can add a condition based on subscriber interaction with web forms. Choose the web form and select options:

    - Viewed (visitor or subscriber have seen the web form)

    - Not viewed

    - Submitted

    - Not submitted

    - Closed

    - Not closed

  • If event happened or not

    This condition is created for custom events that you have on your website. For example, if person have subscribed to blog or signed up in your store. There're only 2 conditions possible: event occurred or not.

  • If specific product was or not purchased

    If you want to track a purchase of specific products or suggest a special offer for those who have purchased specific product, then set up this condition.

  • If person have purchased products from specific categories

    This is more wide condition which can be useful if you have several categories and special offers by categories.

  • Interaction with specific email campaigns

    You can add a condition based on subscriber interaction with your email campaigns. Choose the campaign and select options:

    - Sent

    - Not sent

    - Viewed

    - Sent but not viewed

    - Unsubscribed

    - Clicked

    - Sent but not clicked

Segment ideas

Not sure which segments to start with? Check out our article about segment conditions and strategies to help you get started and build great segmentation.

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